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24 June 2011

Google Mail Storage and Limitations

How much free storage do you really get while being with Google!!
Gmail 7.5 GB and counting.
Picasa 1 GB
GDocs 1 GB
*Free storage from one product cannot be used by or transferred to another product.
*All photos posted to both Google Buzz and Blogger are included in the 1 GB of free storage allotted to Picasa Web Albums.
And further you can always purchase extra storage from them.

Other limitations. Gmail won't allow you to send mails bigger in size than 20 MB, don't think that other email providers such as Rediff provide unlimited Inbox. Mind it they just provide unlimited inbox, not that you can send mails as big as lets say 100MB. So, its just a marketing scheme, whats the use of an unlimited account when all you can do is fill it in the parts of 25 MB.
You can't send an email to more than 25 broken email id's!
You can't send an email to more than 500 people at a time from your browser!
You cant send zip/rar/exe files with Gmail!

Try to do any of the above listed acts and your email id is dead, the penalty may range from barring you from using your account for as long as 24 hours to permanently disabling your account!

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