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06 June 2011

Chrom(e)IUM Concerns

Google has put its hands on the browser market and every one already knows it. But there are some concerns like, chrome, chromium and chrome's various releases they confuse many. I tell you what, for much of the time, I too thought Chrome and Chromium to be the same thing!
As always, usually all the Google products as opposed to what you think are not actually Google made, many of them are either bought or borrowed like the "YouTube", and the famous "Android", actually chrome is not exactly like them. Some developers took the chromium(the one Google intended to make final product with) source code and decided to let it be Chromium and be released for the general public! Chromium is a fully Open Source browser, aside Google adds some closed source or exactly non-open source things, a Google branding and some fixes and calls it Chrome. Chromium  has development features which are expected to be tested in the Chrome product. Chromium is all about developmental releases while Chrome is the official Google release under the BSD licence. So now, all is clear about the Chrome-Chromium confusion!

  • Google Chrome (Stable): This is what the product from which a mature and robust behavior is expected. It has the features included only once they are tested thoroughly, though it lacks a bit on the features side.
  • Google Chrome Beta: It is not the final product but is expected to be used by general public for testing before the final product comes out with no glitches on the functionality, it has features which are expected to be included in the next major stable release.
  • Google Chrome Dev: It is exactly the developer release which is highly experimental and sometimes unstable too. These are the versions on which the new features are included which may or may not be present in the stable Chrome. So its mostly for Chrome applets writers and developers but overall can be used by anyone wanting to try new on the features side.

Similar is the Firefox release nomenclature in the order of unstable to stable
  • Nightly: Updated daily,has got daily changes everyday, you know what this means.
  • Aurora: Provides latest stabler Firefox experience.
  • Beta: Future version functionality for a wider range of public to test, can have bugs still!
  • Stable Release: I am sure you know what this means, its the major 6, 7, 8 release, ie the final versions.

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