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21 May 2011

Blog Smart

This is a new blog, never mind, don't let your eyes roll down to the stats counter. You can always learn something from everyone. So here are basic blogging tips (with real time application on myself ;-) to make you blog smart. Yes I am learning too.

  1. First and foremost thing, the heading of your post must be explanatory, and attractive like use "Blog Smart" instead of "How To Blog", Don't fake it! Head and Tag your post sincerely.
  2. I don't say don't copy or borrow, at least no one produces the knowledge. Do borrow but do it open, put a link out there and give credit to whom you borrowed it from.
  3. Use Google to fullest. Yes you got it right, research before you blog. it has got two plus points first you may get some good points for your post, second you may altogether find a better post itself! So why work one more time just link the better one. If possible blog about something you find obscure to find you must have knowledge in that field and most importantly if you feel you can do it better then those out there, do it right away!
  4. Don't at all hesitate suggesting your readers for better blogs thinking they may leave you, always provide them ways to get it better and move upstream. Believe me, it helps.
  5. Don't advertise just as you are with your blog, it wont provide you enough anyway on the other hand you may lose your subscribers, focus on the quality of blogs.
  6. Make your subscribers read you in all the ways possible, rss, mobile, email or any other way, let them share your words on fb or anywhere else.
  7. Interact with your readers participate in comments and discussions, make the blog as down to ground as possible, if possible include screen shots and screen-casts for step by step work out!
  8. My favouraite point, I found it somewhere while surfing " A useful blog post once a week is better than low-quality content published daily " !
  9. Keeping in mind the above point maintain regularity don't disappoint your readers. 
  10. Last point always keep the Blogger's Code Of Conduct in mind. 
Try to keep content of your blog insusceptible to  time, i mean if someone checks out your blog after a year or so of your posting, and still finds it precise and relevent, won't it be great! Always keep eyes open, learn from the blogs you read and MOVE ON MAN!

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