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13 May 2011


Watch out friends the blog's name is "technetium" while the address is "techtium". Actually the basic idea of having this name comes from the 43rd element of the periodic table named Technetium (Tc) with atomic weight 98, discovered in 1937 with electron structure as (Kr)4d5 5s2 which is a gas amidst almost all the solid transition metals! I particularly chose this name due to it's close analogy with the word technology.
In 1947 element 43 was named after a greek word, meaning artificial since it was the first element to be artificially produced. Technetium, atomic number (z) 43, is the lowest numbered element in the periodic table without any stable isotopes that is exclusively radioactive and most technologically active element on the face of earth. ;-) .
Since technetium is unstable, only minute traces occur naturally in earth's crust as a spontaneous fission product in uranium ore. So don't worry i am gonna provide you with lots of it despite of its lack in nature.
Almost two thirds of the world supply comes from two reactors, but the rest of it is with me (mind it, its rare). All major technetium 99 m producing reactors were built in the 1960's and are close to end of their life time. But mine has just started so i'll be the only producer for some coming days. :)
PRECAUTIONS: Technetium plays no natural biological role and is not normally found in human body, but i am gonna provide you with this so handle carefully and be cautious in use!

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