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15 May 2011

Forewords, just joking man!

Hey people, these days of increasing cyber crime and all prove out to be hard! There are fakers roaming around who try to steal your work and prove that they are the real authors of the content you created from deep down your heart with so dedication and faith. It's not surprising, you can see it in photographs, your piece of writing, a video you edited or simply a source code of some program which you thought to be your and published on the net or kept your strings loose. So the authors/artists have to adopt to this and publish things keeping in mind the consequences of what may happen in case of data theft of intellectual property! Similarly i here by declare that i am on the same path of "no one's genuine". So my articles may be influenced by the thoughts of my friends, relatives or even a girl walking by the road when some idea stiked me. So don't be amazed if you find some words, lines or even paragraphs to be borrowed from somewhere you've already seen. It'll be taken proper care so as not to hurt someone, infringe copyright, or steal someone's idea. Afterall no one's perfect, and to err is human to forgive divine.
So if you are having any of above problems or any other queries or simply some suggestions please feel free to drop me a line at :- "". :) And ya dont steal be fair!

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