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08 January 2012

The, Wow So Small OS!

I thought and found Linux distros to be lightweight and so worth of their sizes in MB, until I came across this tiny little bit of operating system. "KolibriOS". So small that it is capable of even booting off a floppy disc and exactly 2.98MB ISO CD image while I write this.
The most amazing fact about the OS being that it is neither based on Linux nor on Windows, it is written in machine code. This tiny little bit of data shows us how bloated Windows and Linux are by packing so many soft-wares within these 3K bytes, check it out on your own.

06 January 2012


I ain't receiving no criticism, because no one expected anything. Yep I want that continued, thank you, your co-operation is appreciated. I am not on your regularly read blogs, and the best part is that, it leaves me unnoticed even if I post nothing for half a year ;) . I want Organic Traffic, I want people to come from Google.
So the thing I understood after all these ~6 months of almost life as busy as hell and partly denial on my side is that BLOGGING IS NO JOKE. Yes being regular is hell of a task, needs dedication. And the best and the worst thing after you've considered things like:
  • What is your blog about?
  • You think you can work that out?
  • You really sure! ;)
(I guess you've worked these things out, and yes things like how to improve and improvise come after these points even after regularity)
And NEVER (yes I put that in bold) NEVER lose hope while checking out your stats during the first few months or maybe just forget about it in the beginning. You surely don't want to quit writing, only to find a couple of months later that your blog is getting enough clicks and features to keep you inspired to go on. I am very sorry to tell you search engines work slow(until and unless you own fb, being crawled multiple times in a single day), so just keep patience, if you believe in your quality content just wait and see, keep disappointment apart. I suggest just keep the stats counter to a side during the first few months.
Secondly I can't emphasize any more on BEING REGULAR. It helps like hell (some times even more than page-views, back-linking sites, sometimes even more than quality). Check out some stats(Yes, they are Alexa rankings after almost no page views in the beginning to so-so in the end, still leading to low ranking.)

And guess what lead to this.....just the difference lies in BEING and not being REGULAR.
I know this post will never make it to the top results on the search with such a NooB Title, this one's exclusively for regulars.