
30 May 2011

Gmail The Spy

The other day I was checking out an e-mail from one of my friend, and interestingly enough it had some so called ads on the side which were themed in a way or the other about the "IIT's" this was the first time I noticed that my mail too had an IIT theme, I was like awwww..., whats that.That was the moment I realized of reading something written as "better ads in Google", stay tuned, and the gmail blog which said of how the ads will be customized just for you. But here it was happening real-time and it felt a bit of awkward.
And that's the reason I received so many college ads in the year end seasons, and so many android ads whenever the talk was hot!

And the worse part, Gmail web-clips can be turned off (from settings-web-clips tab) but the ads on the right side of your mail are not so easily switch-off'able, though there are some greasy monkey scripts and some other hacks. I don't like it when I get ads of Android when I talk of android, and ads of "get cheap phones" when I was talking in a conversation or two about mobile phones. Yes, yes I know, no human is reading my mail behind it, but still its all like, while delivering my letter my postman says to me " Your aunt is a good personality, and a rich one too. *wink ;-)*", and I open up to find a letter from my aunt praising something!
I dint say its bad but at-least its awkward, its innovative, it new and its good.

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